Everything to lose.
But we definitely won’t win if we don’t try.
You can help lead the way by changing your profile picture to let people know where you stand on the important issue of public funds for public schools. Encourage your friends and colleagues to sign the pledge and help us find and support more candidates who sign, too!

About Justice for the People PAC
JCPS Superintendent Donna Hargens, Matt Bevin, David Jones, Jr., Hal Heiner, Jonathan Lowe and several others were caught trying to turn West Louisville schools into Charter schools. In response to JCPS administration’s repeated fraudulent behavior and unjust attacks on these schools, Dear JCPS was formed.
When we realized this was an organized effort that had spanned numerous states for decades, we sought to align with others already doing this work in Kentucky. When none existed, Save Our Schools KY was formed.
ALEC-backed Matt Bevin was sworn in as Kentucky’s governor. Donald Trump named Betsy DeVos Secretary of Education. #StopChartersInKY Coalition was formed to put up a unified front against these predators. PTA and JCTA (teachers union) leaders refused to join or support.
The pandemic set in. Breonna Taylor was murdered in her apartment during a botched raid by plainclothes LMPD officers. The Peoples Agenda Education Committee began meeting via Zoom and voted to expand their scope to JCPS and public education issues.
In order to have more say in the political landscape and comply with strict state campaign finance laws, Justice for the People PAC was formed.
Constitutional amendment #2 was added to the November ballot. #StopProject2025inKY was launched in an effort to encourage Kentucky voters to turn out and #VoteNoOn2inNOvember.
Commit to Vote Against The Constitutional Amendment
Regardless of political party, this agenda is dangerous. Use these profile pics with different background colors to let people know that you are a Republican or a Democrat who signed the pledge to #StopProject2025inKY. Independent? The purple one above is for you!
- Change your profile picture
- Let people know you have signed the Declaration of Independents Pledge
- Find like minded individuals who will join the movement

- Display this as your profile picture
- Let people know you are a Democrat who has SIGNED THE PLEDGE
- Donate or volunteer and join us!
The People have won this battle at every crossroad, but corrupt leaders and politicians can’t accept “no” for an answer, so we must send them a resounding message this NO-vember.

G. Perry Adelmann
Co-founder of coalition and first candidate to sign the Pledge to #StopProject2025inKY.
Candidates Click Here
About Us
Paid for by Justice for the People PAC. Inger Lay, Treasurer
9111 Hurstwood Ct. Louisville, KY 40222